Lawyers Against Drunk Driving

An Informational website for the victims of drunk driving
(1) with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more; (2) who was under the influence of a controlled substance; (3) who was under the influence of alcohol and refused to take a test required under section 169A.51 (chemical tests for intoxication); or (4) who was knowingly under the influence of a hazardous substance that substantially affects the person's nervous system, brain, or muscles so as to impair the person's ability to drive or operate a motor vehicle.

Beyond the legal resources available through LADD’s webpage, LADD directs you to contact Schmidt Law Firm at to provide legal services for any drunk driving claim that you may have. Schmidt Law Firm is highly experienced in assisting the victims of drunk driving crashes.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are awarded to the plaintiff in a legal action in order to deter or punish the behavior of the defendant or similar actors. Punitive damages are awarded in addition to the plaintiff’s other damages and in excess of the plaintiff’s actual injuries.  Because punitive damages are meant to impose additional damages on the defendant to serve the interests of society at large, punitive damages are not awarded in all cases and usually arise under special circumstances. 

Under Minnesota law, punitive damages may be awarded

to victim of a drunk driving crash. Below is the most ​important statute applicable to a punitive damages claim for the victim of a drunk driving crash.

169A.76 CIVIL ACTION; PUNITIVE DAMAGES. (a) In a civil action involving a motor vehicle accident, it is sufficient for the trier of fact to consider an award of punitive damages if there is evidence that the accident was caused by a driver: